Highlights in our History.
1832 (Cir.) Founded by Barton W. Stone
1906: On April 29 dedicated a new building in a new central location. We raised $26,000.00 in three services becoming a debt free church. On that same day baptized 42.
1907: 600-720 members attended Sunday School.
1912: Clyde Darsie, Minister
1914: Myron L. Ponius, the longest serving minister with 26 years.
1922: New Organ was installed by the Austin Pipe Organ Company.
1949: Roy Hulan, Minister
1950: Leslie Heuston, Minister
1955: Gerald Miller, Minister
1956: Legally changed the name to Central Church
1957-58 Renovations to sanctuary, organ moved, kitchen moved with new equipment, and new classrooms.
1964: William Sturgess, Minister
1970: Men’s Fellowship- Porky Days
1971: Door Bell Dinners started
1977: Robert Johns, Minister
1980: Hand Bell Choir started
1981: Jack Barnes, Minister
1990: D. Ambrose Stump, Minister
1991: Complete sound system in sanctuary
1993: Renovations complete with a new south entrance, new offices, new organ console, new black top parking lot, new van and storage garage.
1994: New elevator and remodeled restrooms.
2000: Pat Jones, Minister
2003: New 14 passenger van
2005 Noah’s park built
2008: Rex Kibler, Minister
2013: Jared Reno, Associate
2020: Jared Reno, Minister